The Slot at the Top


Zach explains strategies for curing hooks and slices.

Key takeaways include:

• The ball curves away from your swing path

• Top of backswing position determines your downswing

• Find you slot at the top

Tournament Golf

Turbocharge your game with a comprehensive approach for preparing and competing in golf tournaments. This multimedia ebook features 28 video tutorials and drills — more than an hour of video instruction.


Zach’s comprehensive treatise on golf’s dreaded mishit — the shank. This revolutionary golf primer incorporates numerous multimedia features, including: (1) video explanations and drills, (2) interactive photo galleries and diagrams, and (3) self-test diagnostics.


  1. Frank Marino says

    Thanks Zach
    Your videos are very helpful and you do a great job explaining the technique
    Keep me on your distribution list.
    Frank Marino

  2. Ron Jacobson says

    So, what is the proper take a way?