Zach explores how the popular golf myth — “keep your head down” — undercuts maximum power.
Takeaways include:
• Don’t stay down in your backswing
• Allow your right hip to open up
• Extend your spine “over the high bar”
Zach illustrates the importance of a full shoulder turn using Sean O’Hair, Rory McIlroy, and Sergio Garcia.
how can you do this without having a loop at the top?
When done correctly there would be no loop. The club would never deviate from it’s original swing plane. This is simply a drill to maximize the range of motion with the body, thereby increasing the length of swing.
Hi Zach. If you do this do you have to re-establish your original body angle on the downswing? My understanding has always been that you MUST keep your body angles constant throughout the swing otherwise there’s trouble at impact!