Chipping Acceleration

Bullet Points for Chipping Acceleration

    • Keep your right arm straight in the backswing
    • Accelerate smoothly with your body turn and club
    • Follow through is longer than the backswing



  1. Should the downswing always accelerate (i.e., be faster than the backswing)? Or is an even tempo preferable for some chips (like short chips)?

  2. Michael Davidian says

    I like alot of your videos esp the one on driving with a practice bucket b/t your arms and getting more flat at the top. It has not only helped by strong fade but also given me an extra 20 yards ( to about 260). I am a 5 handicap and at age 52 that’s not too bad, in fact it’s the lowest it’s ever been. I wonder if you have a good video on adjusting the distance to the pin out of the trap. And do you have a full video series that I can buy?

  3. That is great distance, and an even better handicap. One simple way of adjusting distance out of the trap is by the length of follow thru. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and full finish will all produce different length bunker shots. Usually in the area of 10, 15, 20, and 25 yds. I will do a video in relation to this soon. I am in the process of writing a very different video series, for learning the golf swing in a whole new light. Stay Tuned.